Mykola Prytula

Посада: завідувач, Discrete Analysis and Intelligent System Department

Науковий ступінь: доктор фізико-математичних наук

Вчене звання: професор

Телефон (робочий): (032) 239-42-11

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Наукові інтереси

asymptotic methods of nonlinear mechanics; theory of integrable nonlinear dynamic systems on manifolds




Birth – the 25th of May, 1946, Nesnaniv village, Lviv region;


1969 – graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics at Ivan Franko State University of Lviv;

1998 – Soros AssociateProfessor


1969-1970 – engineer-programmer at “The General Department of Statistics in Lviv Region”

1970-1971 – engineer -programmer at the West-Ukrainian Geophysical Explorer Expedition;

1971-1973 – service in the army;

1973-1978 – engineer -programmer at the West-Ukrainian Geophysical Explorer Expedition;

1980-1984 – assistant of the Computational Mathematics Department at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics;

1982 –PhD;

1984-1999 – docent of the Optimal Process Theory Department at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics;

1988-1996 – deputy dean;

1998 – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;

1999 – Professor;

Since 2003 – Head of the Department of Discrete Analysis and Intelligent System
