Group Leaders and Mentors
Group Leaders are representatives of Dean’s office and the Student Council for effective organization of the educational process in academic group, management of students’ team and involving them into all organizational events which are carried out by Rector, Dean and the Student Council or on their behalf.
A Group Leader is chosen by the Dean of the Faculty among the candidates which are suggested by the academic group. The candidacy of the Group Leader has to be coordinated with the group’s mentor and the chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty. The candidacy of his deputy has to be agreed with the Dean.
A Group Leader could be the most successful student in academy group with high moral issues, with good reputation among students. That should be someone who is also active in social life of the Faculty,has management skills and has authority over the students.
The mentor of academy group is someone whose responsibilities are to help students to form the students’ team, to carry out the educational work among students, to contact with parents when it is needed, to solve the students’ problems, to give them the possible assistance, to control the educational process and etc.
The post of mentor may take a lecturer who has authority over the students, high moral issues,extraordinary teaching and organizational skills.
Group Leaders | Academy groups | The mentors of academy groups |
Bartish Mykhailo Yaroslavovych | PMa-11 | Nykolaichuk L. V. |
Dmytriv Mariana Olehivna | PMa-12 | Tsehelyk H. H. |
Telepko Bozhenna Tarasivna | PMi-11 | Malets R. B. |
Oleksyn Mykhailo Mykhailovych | PMi-12 | Bernakevych I. Ye. |
Benovskyi Markiian Romanovych | PMi-13 | Trushevskyi V. M. |
Osinchuk Natalia Ruslanivna | PMp-11 | Ostudin B. A. |
Spodar Iryna Volodymyrivna | PMp-12 | Diakoniuk L. M. |
Solovii Anna Serhiivna | PMa-21 | Kovalchuk O. V. |
Zaplatynskyi Nazar Bohdanovych | PMa-22 | Kostenko S.B. |
Kozub Uliana Mykhailivna | PMi-21 | Sybil Yu.M. |
Halamaha Orysia Olehivna | PMi-22 | Horlach V.M. |
Khmilovska Mariia Ivanivna | PMi-23 | Kvasnytsia H.A. |
Zvarich Artina Arturivna | PMp-21 | Nedashkovska H.M. |
Zhydetskyi Yurii-Stefan Yuriiovych | PMp-22 | Yaroshevska M. V. |
Kostiv Uliana Vasylivna | PMa-31 | Holub B. M. |
Nos Nadiia Vasylivna | PMa-32 | Korkuna A. M. |
Khomyn Sofiia Andriivna | PMi-31 | Levytska S.M. |
Ladanivska Anastasiia Borysivna | PMi-32 | Vovk V. D. |
Labish Rostyslav Volodymyrovych | PMi-33 | Starchak M. O. |
Malchyk Uliana Vasylivna | PMp-31 | Yarmola H.P. |
Dovhanyk Oksana Andriivna | PMp-32 | Shcherbatyi M. V. |
Ilkiv Yuliia Bohdanivna | PMa-41 | Seno P. S. |
Kohut Nadiia Valeriivna | PMa-41 | Dobuliak L. P. |
Prokip Olena Viktorivna | PMi-41 | Halamaha L. B. |
Muts Pavlo Yuriiovych | PMi-42 | Venherskyi P.S. |
Matskiv Halyna Olehivna | PMi-43 | Zhuk M. V. |
Sapeliuk Viktoriia Romanivna | PMp-41 | Dudykevych A. T. |
Mazuriak Illia Vasylovych | PMp-42 | Ivankiv K. S. |
Markiv Ruslana Romanivna | PMa-51s | Melnychyn A. V. |
Byi Andrii Stepanovych | PMa-52s | Fundak L. I. |
Albul Oleksandr Oleksandrovych | PMi-51s | Klakovych L. M. |
Chubei Yurii Olehovych | PMf-51s | Vahin P. P. |
Zadyraka Dmytro Oleksandrovych | PMf-52s | Priadko O.Ya. |
Flinta Mariana Yaroslavivna | PMp-51s | Harasym Ya. S. |
Kis Viktor Ihorovych | PMp-52s | Kossak O. S. |
Barabash Orest Mykhailovych | PMa-51m | Melnychyn A. V. |
Vertsimaha Andrii Volodymyrovych | PMa-52m | Fundak L. I. |
Tymchenko Oleksandr Oleksandrovych | PMi-51m | Klakovych L. M. |
Nikonova Iryna Ihorivna | PMf-51m | Vahin P. P. |
Strus Taras Ihorovych | PMf-52m | Priadko O.Ya. |
Strizhyk Mariana Bohdanivna | PMp-51m | Harasym Ya. S. |
Spodar Nataliia Volodymyrivna | PMp-52m | Kossak O. S. |