Department of Discrete Analysis and Intelligent System is graduating and prepares bachelors in “Informatics” research area and masters and specialists in “Applied Informatics” research area within the field of knowledge “System Sciences and Cybernetics”. Training is provided by reading courses to choose from intelligent systems, methods of knowledge representation, expert systems, selection and decision-making methods, modeling and forecasting of economic and ecological processes.
On the Department are read three general courses: Discrete Mathematics (“Applied Mathematics”, “System Analysis and Management”, “Informatics” research areas) by Professor M. M. Prytula and Docent Yu. M. Shcherbyna; “Probability and Mathematical Statistics” (“Informatics” research area) – Professor M. M. Prytula; “Optimization methods and Operation Research” (“Informatics” research area) – Docent M. V. Zhuk; “Artificial Intelligence Systems” (“Informatics” research area) – Docent Yu. M. Shcherbyna.
Department professors support scientific contacts with USA college (Concordia College, Moohead, MN, USA, (PhD O. Bihun)) and with AGH University of Science and Technology, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Krakow, Poland (Prof. L. Plachta).
At the department functions Postgraduate Study. Postgraduate are trained in the following specialties: 01.01.02 – “Differential Equations”, 01.01.07 – “Numerical Mathematics” and 01.05.02 – “Mathematical modeling and computational methods in Scientific Research”. Scientific management is carried out by Professor M. M. Prytula and Docent Yu. M. Shcherbyna.
The department was established in 2003.