Journal of Applied and Numerical Analysis
(former “Journal of Numerical and Applied Mathematics”, series “Numerical Mathematics”)
The Journal is founded by the cooperation of two institutions: Institute of Mathematics NASU and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
JANA is a kind of rebranding of the Journal of Numerical and Applied Mathematics (Series “Numerical Mathematics”), which was published at the University of Lviv for a long time.
The issues JANA focus on the new scientific results in the following areas: development and theoretical ground of new numerical methods, application of numerical methods to complex applied problems, investigation of abstract numerical schemes and others fields connected to numerical mathematics.
The mission of the journal consists in joining up efforts of Academy’s and Universities’ communities to enhance the scientific level of publications and to afford young researchers an opportunity for quick and reputable publication of their results.
Editorial board sets oneself a goal to regularly publish the JANA with the periodicity at last one issue per year. All received manuscripts (in English) are subject to review by anonymous referees. The review period is set to the maximum of three months. Based on referee reports the manuscript can be accepted, returned for revision or rejected. In the case of publication the author receives his paper in pdf format.
We invite you to visit the Journal’s website