Vitaliy Horlatch
Посада: В.о. завідувача кафедри, Information Systems Department, Заступник декана, факультету прикладної математики та інформатики з наукової і навчально-виховної роботи
Науковий ступінь: кандидат фізико-математичних наук
Вчене звання: доцент, ст. наук. співробітник
Телефон (робочий): (032) 239-43-04
Електронна пошта:
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Наукові інтереси
Application of numerical methods (firstly the finite element method) for acoustic fluid-structure interaction analysis:
– Transient response;
– Eigenvalue analysis;
– Vibrational analysis;
Acoustic fluid-heat and fluid-structure-heat interaction analysis in case of dissipative systems;
Design and implementation of informational Intra- and Internet systems.
Вибрані публікації
Main publications:
- Zelinskyi O., Horlatch V., Lebedin Yu., Paslavska Ya. Solving the problem of antibody grouping based on cross-inhibition index using hierarchical clustering methods // Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Informatics & Data-Driven Medicine, Lyon, France, November 18 – 20, 2022. IDDM 2022: 227-235.
- Dyyak I., Horlatch V., Salamakha M. Parallel Solution of Dynamic Elasticity Problems // Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing II. DSMIE 2019. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham, 2020. pp. 562-571. (DOI: 10.100/978-3-030-22365-6_56).
- Dyyak I., Horlatch V., Shynkarenko H. Formulation and Numerical Analysis of Acoustics Problems in Coupled Thermohydroelastic Systems // Proceedings of International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, DIPED-2019. Lviv, Ukraine, 12-14 Sept. 2019. Lviv: IEEE, 2019. pp. 168-171. (DOI: 10.1109/DIPED.2019.8882584)
- Horlatch V., Klymenko I., Shynkarenko H. Finite element analysis of forced steady-state thermoacoustic waves in dissipative fluid // Manufacturing Processes. Actual Problems – 2013. Vol.1. Basic Science Applications. Opole: Politechnika Opolska, 2013. pp. 47-66.
- Horlatch V., Klymenko I., Shynkarenko H.Formulation and well-posedness of the variational problem of viscous heat-conducting fluid acoustics // Journal of Numerical and Applied Mathematics – 2012, No. 3 (109). P.53-71.
- Horlatch V., Klymenko I., Shynkarenko H.Construction and analysis of one-step recurrent scheme for time integration of a variational dissipative acoustics problem // Visnyk Lviv Univ, Ser. Appl. Math. Comp. Sci.- 2012, No.18. P.76-95. (in Ukrainian)
- Computer Technics. Computer Technologies // Textbook. 3-rd ed.- Kyiv:Karavella, 2011.-592 p. (in Ukrainian, with a group of authors)
- Horlatch V., Levchenko O. Automation of electronic resources preparation for periodical scientific publications of Lviv University // Proc. of the Int. Forum “Problems of the Information Society”, October 7-9, 2009, Lviv, Ukraine.- Kyiv: UkrISTEI, 2009.- P. 100-104. (in Ukrainian)
- Voytovych V., Horlatch V. Natural vibration of fluid-structure dissipative systems // Visnyk Lviv Univ, Ser. Appl. Math. Comp. Sci.- 2006, No.11. P.167-179. (in Ukrainian)
- Voytovych V., Horlatch V. Study of Displacement-Based Finite Element Approach for Three-Dimensional Fluid-Structure Interaction in Case of Dissipative Continua // Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, June 1-4, 2005 Salzburg, Austria. 4 p.
- Horlatch V., Kondratyuk Y., Shynkarenko H., Voytovych V. Displacement-Based Modelling Of Acoustic Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem // Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathemathics – 2004. No 2.- P. 108-118. (in Ukrainian)
- Horlatch V., Shynkarenko A. Raviart-Thomas Approximations for the Analysis of Hydroacoustics Problems // Visnyk Lviv Univ, Ser. Appl. Math. Comp. Sci.-2004, No.8. P.112-121. (in Ukrainian)
- Horlatch V., Voytovych V. Numerical Analysys of Natural Frequencies of Threedimensional Elastic Bodies // Visnyk Lviv Univ, Ser. Appl. Math. Comp. Sci.-2003, No.6. P.126-134. (in Ukrainian)
- Horlatch V., Shynkarenko A. Raviart-Thomas Aproximations for Variational Hydroacoustics Problems // Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation WAVES 2003. Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 30 June – 4 July 2003.- Springer-Verlag, 2003.- P. 541-546.
- Horlatch V., Shynkarenko O. Data Structure, Functionality and Technologies of Implementation of “Faculty” Informational System based on Internet-Intranet architecture // Vestnik National Technical University “KhPI”: “System analysis, managment and informational technologies”- 2001, No.21. P.79-83.
- Horlatch V., Levchenko O. Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Editor: Basic Techniques // Lviv: BaK, 1999.-104 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Horlatch V., Makar V. Design and Administration of Intranet Networks. Part 2. Administration of Windows NT Networks // Lecture Texts. Lviv, Publishing center of Lviv un-ty, 1999. 41 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Horlatch V., Makar V. Design and Administration of Intranet Networks. Part 1. Basics of Network Technologies // Lecture Texts. Lviv, Publishing center of Lviv un-ty, 1999. 45 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Horlatch V., Kondratyuk Y. Numerical Model of Acoustic Fluid-Structure Interaction. 4. Axisymmetric Problem for Isotropic Viscous Media // Visnyk of Lviv Un-ty, Series mech-math.-1999, No.52. Pp. 22-29. (in Ukrainian)
- Horlatch V., Kondratyuk Y. Numerical Model of Acoustic Fluid-Structure Interaction. 3. Analysis of Viscosity Influence // Visnyk of Lviv Un-ty, Series Mech-Math.-1997, No.46. Pp. 25-32. (in Ukrainian)
- Horlatch V. Numerical Model of Acoustic Fluid-Structure Interaction. 2. Dissipative Media // Visnyk of Lviv Un-ty, Series Mech-Math.-1993, No.39. Pp. 82-88. (in Ukrainian)
- Horlatch V., Shynkarenko H. Numerical Model of Acoustic Fluid-Structure Interaction. 1. Ideal Media // Visnyk of Lviv Un-ty, Series Mech-Math.-1993, No.39. Pp. 76-82. (in Ukrainian)
- Horlatch V. Numerical Modeling of Acoustic Oscillations of Elastic Body with Fluid // Abstract of Dissert. Cand.phys-math. Science, Lviv, 1990. 18 p. (in Russian)
- Dorosh A., Horlatch N., Horlatch V., Shynkarenko H., Tokar A., Vasergisser M. Numerical Modeling of Amplitude-Frequential Characteristics of Acoustic Measuring Devices // Dep. in UkrNIINTI 15.11.89 No. 2613-Uk89, Lviv, 1989. 29 p. (in Russian)
- Horlatch V. Free Oscillations of the Infinite Cylindrical Shell Filled with Fluid // Dep. in UkrNIINTI 1.03.89 No. 643-Uk89, Lviv, 1989. 10 p. (in Russian)
- Horlatch V., Shynkarenko H. Numerical Modeling of Acoustic Waves in Elastic Bodies with Fluid: Dynamic Processes // Dep. in UkrNIINTI 22.12.87 No. 3256, Lviv, 1987. 33 p. (in Russian)
- Horlatch V. Acoustic Interaction of the Elastic Body with Fluid in a Closed Domain: Choice of the Model // Dep. in UkrNIINTI 22.06.88 No. 1583-Uk88, Lviv, 1987. 24 p. (in Russian)
- Horlatch V., Shynkarenko H. Numerical Modeling of Acoustic Waves in Elastic Bodies with Fluid: Axisymmetric Quasi-Steady-State Processes // Dep. in UkrNIINTI 10.09.85 No. 2122, Lviv, 1985. 38 p. (in Russian)
Наукова біографія
Born in Radyvyliv, Rivne region, Ukraine
2018 – Scientific scholarship in Department of Differential Equations, Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of Wroclaw University. Advisor: Professor Piotr Biler.
2013 – Scientific scholarship in Section of Equations of Mathematical Physics of Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of Warsaw University. Advisor: Professor Zbignev Peradzyński.
2000 – Scientific scholarship in Institute of Structural Analysis and Strength of Materials of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Leopold-Franz University of Innsbruck. Advisor: Professor Günter Hofstetter (Scholarship was granted by “Österreichisch-Ukrainisches Kooperationsburo in Wissenschaft, Bildung und Kunst”)
1990 – Obtained a degree of candidate of physical and mathematical scinces (PhD) for the dissertation “Numerical modelling in acoustic problems of fluid-structure interaction”
1977 – 1982 – Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of Ivan Franko State University of Lviv
1967 – 1977 – Radyvyliv school No 1 (Rivne Region)
2016 – present – Associate Dean of scientific, teaching and educational work of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics
1995 – present – Docent (Associate Professor) of Department of Information Systems of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
1982 – 1995 – Engineer, Researcher, Leading Researcher of Scientific Research Laboratory No 62 of Ivan Franko State University of Lviv