Theory and Methods of Decision Making (Informatics)

Type: For the student's choice

Department: computational mathematics




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)

Course description

Purpose  The main idea is the acquaintance and understanding of basis concepts and modern methods for  practical problems successful decision  with the help of given course.

Short description  The course includes the series of lectures and practical studies specified of some tasks realization by students. Every student also must make a report in chosen topic at seminar. The main subjects of study are basis concepts and modern methods of  decision making theory, relevant mathematical apparatus.

Representation  In the process of  given course study student must well understand specific character of decision making problems statement and confidently be oriented in various methods of multicriteria optimization

As a result students must

  • know: the main contents of problems being solved by the methods of decision making theory;
  • be master of: classical and modern methods for investigation and decision making problems solution.