Department of Computational Mathematics

  • About the Department
  • Employees
  • Educational courses
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Research
  • News

Department of Computational Mathematics was founded in 1960 under the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. The main reason for the formation of the Department was an urgent need of specialists for contemporary economic complex, who should be able to ensure the proper functioning of the first computers (system software) and to make software and application software for them. The undeniable fact is that this type of chair was one of the first in the former USSR and the first in western Ukraine. Founder (on the initiative of the rector of Lviv University Academic Eugene Lazarenko) and the long head of the department was Professor A. Kostovskyy. By the mid 70’s Department issued specialists – “calculators”, focused on computers BESM, ES and others types system maintenance, the development and support of AMS etc.

Over the years the Department was headed by Professor O. M. Kostovskyy (1960 – 1977), Docent A. I. Kardash (1977 – 1983), Docent J. V. Lyudkevych (1983 – 1993), Docent I. I. Tchulyk(1991 – 1993), Professor H. H. Tsehelyk (1993 – 2000), Professor R. S. Chapko (since 2000).

The Department has been the regular supplier of scientific and teaching staff in the creation of new departments in university and beyond. In 1975 the Department was one of the basic in creating of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in Lviv University.

At present the staff of the Department conduct research on the numerical solution of linear and nonlinear problems of computational mathematics. Professors of the Department read general courses related to the methods of approximate calculation: “Functional Analysis”, “Numerical methods of linear algebra”, “Numerical methods”, “Linear Integral Equations”, “Additional sections of numerical methods” for students of “Applied Mathematics” and “Systems Analysis” research areas.

According to the research results of the Department numerous scientific papers are published, including publishing in prestigious international journals. Professor R. S. Chapko received the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology in 2012 as part of a group of authors for a series of scientific papers “Discrete and functional methods of approximation theory and their application”. Professors of the Department maintain scientific contacts with the departments and institutes of appropriate profiles of the University of Warsaw (Poland), University of Wroclaw (Poland), University of Gottingen (Germany), University of Karlsruhe (Germany), University of Linz (Austria) and universities of other countries.


ChairpersonRoman ChapkoChairperson
Associate ProfessorAndriy BeshleyAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorIhor BorachokAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorYurii MuzychukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorAnastasiia NedashkovskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorVasyl VavrychukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorHalyna YarmolaAssociate Professor
Senior LecturerYaroslav HarasymSenior Lecturer
LecturerOlha IlnytskaLecturer
LecturerSvyatoslav LavrykLecturer
LecturerMariia VlasiukLecturer
LecturerYurii YanchynskyiLecturer
Department SecretaryHrystyna RiashkoDepartment Secretary

1 year

2 year

3 year

4 year

5 year

Lecturers' schedule


Тематика наукових досліджень членів кафедри:

  • Чисельне розв’язування прямих та обернених початково-крайових задач (проф. Р. С. Хапко);
  • Чисельне розв’язування осесиметричних самоузгоджених задач електронної оптики та двовимірних інтегральних рівнянь із слабкою особливістю (доц. Б. А. Остудін);
  • Чисельне розв’язування граничних задач для рівняння Пуассона методом скiнченних різниць (доц. А. Т. Дудикевич);
  • Дослідження ітераційних методiв розв’язування нелінійних рiвнянь та нелiнiйних задач про найменші квадрати (проф. С. М. Шахно);
  • Розробка принципів функціонування та створення системи захисту електронних банківських документів (ст. викладач. Я. С. Гарасим).

Fourth InterMaths Master’s defense!

02.06.2020 | 15:14

The quarantine conditions could not stop the defense. In the videoconference, the students had presented their works to the joint examination committee, including professors from both Lviv National University and the University of L’Aquila. This year four Ukrainian students receive both Ukrainian and Italian master degrees, so as four international students from Egypt, Nigeria, and Cameroon, who spent the last study year in Lviv.

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Prof.Shahkno S.M. public lecture will be held on October 16

15.10.2014 | 14:03

Prof.Shahkno S.M. public lecture will be held on  October 16, 2014 at 10:10 in the classroom number 265 for students of groups PMP-21, PMP-22. The theme of lecture is ”Gauss-Seidel method for solving systems of linear algebraic equations. SOR-method” (under the subject “Numerical methods in linear algebra”).
We invite all interested!

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