Pedagogical Practice (pm)

Type: Normative

Department: applied mathematics

Course description

Pedagogical  practice is an integral part of the professional training of specialists at the educational qualification level of “Master” and serves as the final stage of practical preparation for university students for professional pedagogical activities.

The discipline “Pedagogical Practice” is directly related to the educational process and allows students to become familiar with the specifics of its organization and implementation at the faculty, and the peculiarities of the teacher’s work. It enables the development of pedagogical skills and abilities, provides experience in communicating with the student audience, and teaches the application of acquired knowledge in practical activities. The discipline contributes to the formation of the personality of future educators, allowing the assessment of students’ inclination and interest in pedagogical activities.

The goal of the practice is to reinforce pedagogical skills acquired during the Master’s qualification, enhance the knowledge necessary for work in higher educational institutions, develop the ability to apply these skills in the educational process while performing the functions of a teacher and improve social skills.

Practice Objectives:  

  • Deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge in specialized and psycho-pedagogical disciplines acquired by students, applying them to solve specific pedagogical tasks during the practice.
  • Formation in master’s students of psycho-pedagogical and methodological skills for teaching relevant academic disciplines in the higher education system.
  • Development of skills in organizing fundamental forms of education in higher education, applying modern teaching technologies and methodologies.
  • Cultivation of professional and pedagogical communication skills with the student audience.
  • Cultivation in masters of teaching experience, moral and ethical qualities of a higher education teacher, an individual creative style of pedagogical activity, and a need for self-education.
  • Improvement of social and soft skills of the interns.

Recommended Literature

Recommended Literature

Primary literature

1.    Академічна чесність як основа сталого розвитку  університету / Міжнарод. благод. фонд «Міжнарод. фонд. дослідж. освіт. політики»; за заг. ред. Т.В.Фінікова, А.Є.Артюхова. – К.:Таксон, 2016. – 234с.

2.    Біляковська О. О., Мищишин І. Я., Цюра С. Б. Дидактика вищої школи: навч. посіб. – Львів: ЛНУ ім.І.Франка, 2013 – 358 с.

3.    Вітвицька С. С., Андрійчук Н. М. Основи педагогіки вищої школи / Fundamentals of Higher School Pedagogy : Білінгвальний навчально-методичний посібник для студентів закладів вищої освіти. 2-ге вид.перероб. і доп. –  Житомир:Вид-во ЖДУ, 2019 – 321с.

4.  Токарева Н. М., Шамне А. В. Вікова та педагогічна психологія : навчальний посібник [для студентів вищих навчальних закладів] / Н. М. Токарева, А. В. Шамне. – Київ, 2017 – 548 с.

Additional literature

5.    Максименко С.Д. Загальна психологія: Навчальний посібник / – Максименко С.Д. – К: «Центр навчальної літератури», 2018. – 272 с.

6.    Стандарти і рекомендації щодо забезпечення якості в Європейському просторі вищої освіти (ESG). Київ, 2015.


  1. Practice Diary 
  2. Grade Sheet
  3. Schedule of Pedagogical Practice

Силабус: Pedagogical  practice

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