Welcome to scientific seminar “Time optimal portfolio selection – a survey of basic ideas”
Scientific seminar “The computational power of a single quantum bit”
Welcome to scientific seminar “Mosaicing of Images from Capsule Endoscopy”
New wins of our sports programmers at KPI Open
From the 5 th to 8 th July this year held in Kiev
11th international open student’s Olympiad of programming named in favour Lebedev and Glushkov
KPI-OPEN 2016.
Student teams of our faculty
LNU Penguins (Roman Bilyi, Vitalii Herasymiv, Taras Chaika),
LNU Clouds (Andrii Makar, Volodymyr Radiuk, Taras Savitskyi)
took 2nd place,
showing second and third results in the final table.
Congratulations to our boys and their coach Vasyl Biletskyy with regular high achievements !