Olha Popadiuk
Position: Lecturer, Theory of Optimal Processes Department, Lecturer, Cybersecurity Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Email: olha.popadiuk@lnu.edu.ua
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com
ORCID profile: orcid.org
- Попадюк О., Гутік О.: Біциклічне розширення \mathbit{B}_\omega^{\mathcal{F}_n}, породжене скінченним інтервалом [0,n]. Матеріали Всеукраїнської наукової конференції “Сучасні проблеми прикладної математики та комп’ютерних наук”, присвяченої 50-річчю кафедри теорії оптимальних процесів, 7-9 листопада 2023, Львів, 190-191.
- Gutik, O. V., Popadiuk, O. B. On the semigroup \mathbit{B}_\omega^{F_n}, which is generated by the family F_n of finite bounded intervals of \omega. Carpathian Math. Publ. 15 (2), 331-355 (2023). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15330/cmp.15.2.331-355
- Popadiuk, O.: On endomorphisms of the inverse semigroup of convex order isomorphisms of a bounded rank which are generated by Rees congruences. In: Abstracts of the 14th International Algebraic Conference in Ukraine, p. 106. Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine, 3-7 July 2023.
- Popadiuk, O., Gutik, O.: On the semigroup \mathbit{B}_\omega^{\mathcal{F}_n} which is generated by the family \mathcal{F}_n of finite bounded intervals of \omega. In: Abstracts of the International Algebraic Conference “At the End of the Year” 2022, p. 41. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, 27-28 December 2022.
- Popadiuk, O. On endomorphisms of the inverse semigroup of convex order isomorphisms of the set of a bounded rank which are generated by Rees congruences. Вісник Львівського університету. Серія мех.-мат. 93, 34-41 (2022). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30970/vmm.2022.93.034-041
- Gutik, O., Popadiuk, O. On the semigroup of injective endomorphisms of the semigroup \mathbit{B}_\omega^{F_n} which is generated by the family F_n of initial finite intervals of \omega. Мат. методи фіз.-мех. поля. 65 (1-2), 42-57 (2022). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/mmpmf2022.65.1-2.42-57