Volodymyr Cherniakhivskyi
Position: Associate Professor, Programming Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Phone (office): (032) 239-43-91
Email: volodymyr.chernyakhivskyy@lnu.edu.ua
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com
Research interests
Scientific interests:
- the theory and practice of algorithmic languages;
- methods and algorithms of system programming;
- tasks and algorithms on graphs;
- teaching methods for programming.
Selected publications
Main publications:
- Construction of the maximum simple path of the graph. // Collection of scientific works “Selection and processing of information”. // Physics and -mechanics institute named after G. Karpenko NAS of Ukraine, 2016.
- Computational complexity of some algorithms on graphs. // Papers of Lviv University. Series Applied Mathematics and Informatics. 2015
- Isolated middle conditions and their properties for the problem of maximizing the construction of a simple chain of the graph. // Papers of Lviv University. Series Applied Mathematics and Informatics. 2013
- Direct and inverse tasks to study the basics of algorithmization in school. // Scientific methodical journal: Computer at school and family. // Kiev, 2009.
- A recursive algorithm for constructing a maximal simple chain of an incomplete graph. // Papers of Lviv University. Series Applied Mathematics and Informatics. 2007
- Basic algorithms and programming graphics editor for Windows. Text of lectures. // Lviv, Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko, 2003.
- Programming in assembler language. Tutorial. // Co-author – Dudzianyi I.М. // Lviv, Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko, 2002.
- Delphi-4: Modern technology of visual programming. Tutorial. // Lviv, Baku, 1999.
- Integrated environment for the development of assembler programs. // The first international scientific and practical conference on programming UkrPROG’98, Kiev, 1998.
- Collection of tasks on the basics of algorithmization. A manual for grades 10-11 in general education schools. // Lviv, VNTL, VF Afisha, 1997.
- Elements of informatics. Tutorial – reference book. // Collaborators: V.Vysochansky, A. Kardash, O.Kostiv // Lviv, Swit, 1990.
- Search for persistent errors in programs. (Monograph) // Co-author – B. Arkhangelskii // Moscow, Radio and Communications, 1989.
- KAPKAN-FORTRAN – a system for debugging programs by the method of finding specific errors. // Co-author – B. Arkhangelskii // Moscow, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1984.
- Catalog of local programming errors. // Co-author – B. Arkhangelskii. // Kiev, VINITI, 1984.
- Investigation of the quality of real-time debugging by structural control method. // Collection of scientific papers “Selection and transmission of information”. // Kyiv, Naukova dumka (Scientific Opinion), 1982.
I was born in Lviv. Graduated from Lviv secondary school with a golden medal. Then received higher education in the field of “Applied Mathematics”, received a diploma with honors and got the qualification “engineer-mathematician”.
I have worked for 4 years in engineering positions at the Research Radio Engineering Institute. I was engaged in the development of software for real-time systems and system programming of specialized computing machines.
After moving to teaching, I constantly work at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Studied at the postgraduate study at the Institute of Cybernetics at the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev), where I have prepared and defended PhD dissertation on the topic “Semantic debugging of programs by the method of finding fixed errors”, obtained a scientific degree of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.
Associate Professor of the Department of Programming. The total amount of publications is about 100.
Besides of work at the department I have worked as a teacher of computer science at the Lviv Physics and Mathematics Lyceum for 10 years, have prepared a number of prizewinners of programming competitions among the students.
Sphere of scientific and practical interests – theory and practice of programming, system software of computers, algorithms on graphs, methods of teaching programming.