Industrial (Computing) Practice (KIS)

Type: Normative

Department: information systems


41.5Differentiated setoff

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
332PMi-22R. H. Drebotiy
PMi-24R. H. Drebotiy
432PMi-22V. V. Stelmashchuk
PMi-24V. V. Stelmashchuk

Course description

The purpose and objectives of the study of the normative discipline “Industrial (computational) practice” – deepening and consolidation of theoretical knowledge of programming in Python, C # using object-oriented programming and a standard library of templates; development of logical thinking; Acquisition of professional skills in the development of software focused on solving mathematical problems.

Recommended Literature

  • Нейгел К., Ивьен Б., Глинн Д. и др. C# 5.0 и платформа .NET 4.5 для профессионалов.
  • Troelsen A., Japikse P. Pro C#. With .NET and .NET Core. 8th edition. – Apress, 2017.
  • Richter J. CLR via C#. 4th edition. – Microsoft Press, 2012.


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