Curriculum Applied Mathematics Master (1,4)

1 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Additional Parts of Numerical Methods 36 2,3:0 Exam
Computer Modeling 36 2,3:0 Exam
Modern Data Processing Technologies using Oracle 18 36 1,1:2,3 Setoff
Information Protection Systems 18 36 1,1:2,3 Exam
Deep learning models 32 32 2:2 Setoff

2 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Scientific Seminar 32 0:2 Setoff
Discipline for choice 1:Computer Modeling of DS with DP
Newtonian Methods in Nonlinear Problems
16 16 1:1 Setoff
Object Oriented Software Design 16 32 1:2 Setoff

3 semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Pract. For a week Reporting
Optimization CS 16 16 1:1 Exam