Volodymyr Firman

Посада: Доцент, Life Safety Department

Науковий ступінь: кандидат технічних наук

Вчене звання: доцент

Телефон (робочий): (032) 2394547

Наукові інтереси

Life Safety

Occupational health and safety


  1. Охорона праці (пожежна безпека). Частина ІІІ. Навч. посібник з грифом МОН України – Львів, 2015 – 240 с. (with coauthors).
  2. Охорона праці (пожежна безпека). Частина ІІ. Навч. посібник з грифом МОН України – Львів: Галицький друкар, 2012 – 312 с. (with coauthors).
  3. Охорона праці (пожежна безпека). Частина І. Навч. посібник з грифом МОН України – Львів: Галицький друкар, 2012 – 344 с. (with coauthors).
  4. Психофізіологічні аспекти безпеки життєдіяльності. Навч. посібник з грифом МВС України – Івано-Франківськ, 1998. – 228 с. (with coauthors).


Birth – the 3 rd of January 1960 in Novi Strilyshcha village, Zhydachivskii district Lvivska oblast;

Graduated the Moscow High engineer-technical school of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Lviv law institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;

1978-2010 – worked in Ministry of Internal Affairs; has colonel officer rank;

Participant in military operations;

since 1986 – has worked as a lecturer;

1996 – got PhD (the theme of dissertation – “Development and application of manual impulse fire extinguishers”);

2000 – docent of the Informatics and Special Technics Department;

2000-2005 – worked as a head of the Informatics and Special Technics Department;

2005-2010 – worked as a dean of the Faculty of Criminal Police at the Lviv state university of Internal Affairs;

Since 2011 – has worked as a docent in the Life Safety Department at the Ivan Franko national university of Lviv.
