Roman Seliverstov

Position: Associate Professor, Programming Department, Associate Dean, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of educational and methodical work

Scientific degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor


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Research interests

  • Web-scraping;
  • data analysis;
  • modeling of socio-economic processes;
  • cracked plate bending problems.



  1. Opanasovych V., Seliverstov R. (1999). Stress State of a Plate with Two Straight Colinear Cracks within the Reissner Theory. Abstracts of the Scientific Conference “Mathematics and Mechanics in the Lviv University (History and Nowadays)” (pp. 24-25) [in Ukrainian].
  2. Opanasovych V., Seliverstov R. (2000). Stress State in the Plate Containing Two Straight Colinear Cracks by Reissner Theory. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Mechanics and Mathematics. 57, P. 124-127 [in Ukrainian].
  3. Opanasovych V., Seliverstov R. (2000). Bending of a Plate with Two Equal Parallel Unshifted Cracks in the Frame of Reissner’s Theory. Scientific notes: Interuniversity collection (in the field of “Engineering Mechanics”), 7, Lutsk, P. 161–165 [in Ukrainian].
  4. Opanasovych V. K., Mokryk R. I., Seliverstov R. Y. (2000). Bending of a Plate with Periodic System of Straight Colinear Cracks within the Reissner’s Theory. Fracture Mechanics and Physics of Construction Materials and Structures, 4, Lviv: Kameniar, P. 161-166 [in Ukrainian].
  5. Opanasovych V., Seliverstov R. (2000). The Bending of Plate Containing Two Parallel Unshifted Different Length Straight Cracks by Reissner Theory. Mathematical problems of mechanics of inhomogeneous structures, 2, Lviv, P. 55–58 [in Ukrainian].
  6. Opanasovych V. K., Seliverstov R. H., Zavodovsky A. M. (2000). Сoncentrated Moment Bending of a Plate with Two Straight Colinear Cracks within the Reissner’s Theory. Proceedings of the 15th Open Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine (pp. 14-15). Lviv [in Ukrainian].
  7. Seliverstov R. (2001) The Bending of Reissner Plate with Periodic Parallel Cracks. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Mechanics and Mathematics. 59, P. 199-203 [in Ukrainian].
  8. Opanasovych V. K., Seliverstov R. H. (2001) The bending of Reissner’s plate containing two equal colinear cracks. Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials,  1, P. 53–56.
  9. Opanasovych, V.K., Seliverstov, R.H. Bending of a Plate with Two Identical Collinear Rectilinear Cracks According to the Theory of Reissner. Materials Science 37, 59–64 (2001).
  10. Opanasovych V., Mokryk R., Seliverstov R. (2001).Bending of a Reissner’s Plate Containing an Infinite Row of Parallel Shifted Cracks. Abstracts of the 4th Polish-Ukrainian Conference “Current problems in mechanics of nonhomogeneous media” (p. 44). Lodz (Poland).
  11. Opanasovych V. K., Seliverstov R. H. (2001). Twisting of a Reissner’s Plate with Two Parallel Shifted Cracks of the Same Length. Proceedings of the 16th Open Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine (pp. 18-22). Lviv [in Ukrainian].
  12. Opanasovych V. K., Seliverstov R. H. (2001). Twisting of a Reissner’s Plate Containing Two Equal Parallel Shifted Cracks. Abstracts of the 16th Open Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine (p. 10).
  13. Opanasovych V. K., Novosad V.P., Seliverstov R. Y. (2002). Taking into Account of Crack Closure Effect at Bending of Transversal-Isotropic Plate. Fracture Mechanics and Physics of Construction Materials and Structures, 5, Lviv: Kameniar, P. 148-153 [in Ukrainian].
  14. Opanasovych V., Seliverstov R. (2002). A Bending of a Layered Plate with Two Parallel Unshifted Cracks. Mechanical Engineering, 6, P. 17–19 [in Ukrainian].
  15. Opanasovych V., Mokryk R., Seliverstov R. (2002) Bending of a Reissner’s Plate Containing Periodic System of Parallel Shifted Cracks. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Mechanics and Mathematics. 60, P. 160-166 [in Ukrainian].
  16. Opanasovych V. K., Seliverstov R. H. (2002). Stress-Strain State of a Layered Plate with Two Colinear Through Cracks under Bending. Abstracts of the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Problems of mathematical modeling of modern technologies” (p. 102). Khmelnytskyi [in Ukrainian].
  17. Opanasovych V., Seliverstov R. (2003). Stress State of a Three-Layer Plate with Periodic Colinear Cracks under Bending. Abstracts of the 5th Ukrainian-Polish Science Symposium “Current problems of the mechanics of nonhomogeneous structures” (p. 66). Lviv-Lutsk [in Ukrainian].
  18. Seliverstov R. H. (2004). System of Integral Equations of Bending Problem for Transversal-Isotropic Plate with Two Parallel Cracks in the Assumption of Crack Closure. Abstracts of the Scientific Conference “Modern Problems of Mechanics (to the 80th anniversary of DV Grylitsky)” (pp. 39-40). Lviv [in Ukrainian].
  19. Seliverstov R. (2004). On Constructing of the Cracked Layered Plate Bending Problem Using the Corresponding Solution for the Non-Layered Plate. Abstracts of the 10th International scientific-practical conference “Conference of Young Scientists on Modern Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics Named after Academician Y. Pidstryhach” (pp. 142-144). Lviv [in Ukrainian].
  20. Opanasovych V. K., Seliverstov R. H., Luchko J. J. (2005). Two Parallel Cracks with Contacting Faces in an Isotropic Plate under Bending. Fracture Mechanics and Physics of Construction Materials and Structures, 6, Lviv: Kameniar, P. 79-85 [in Ukrainian].
  21. Opanasovych V., Seliverstov R. (2006) The influence of Closure of Two Collinear Cracks on the Stress State of Transversal-Isotropic Plate under Pure Bending. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Mechanics and Mathematics. 65, P. 152-157 [in Ukrainian].
  22. Seliverstov R. H. (2007). Formation of a New Information Culture in the Infrastructure of Public Authorities. Proceedings of the Inrernational Scientific Conference “Democratic Standards of Professional Training and Activities of Public Servants: Theory and Practice” (pp. 464-467). Lviv: LRIPA NAPA [in Ukrainian].
  23. Seliverstov R. (2007). Expert-Analytical Forecasting of Numerical Characteristics of Management Decisions. Proceedings of the 5th Inrernational Scientific Conference “Ставайки съвременна наука-2007” (pp. 99-101). Sofia (Bulgaria): “Бял ГРАД-БГ” ООД [in Ukrainian].
  24. Seliverstov R. (2008) Fuzzy Set Theory Elements as Means of Professionalization of Expert Activity in Public Administration Bodies. Public Administration Effectiveness Research, 14/15, P. 372-376 [in Ukrainian].
  25. Seliverstov R. (2008) Data Selection Using Fuzzy Queries as an Instrument of Decision-Making Support. Public Administration Effectiveness Research, 16/17, P. 316-322 [in Ukrainian].
  26. Savras I., Seliverstov R. (2009). Problems of Development and Control over the Franchising Relations in Ukraine. Efficiency of Public Administration, 20, P. 343-349.
  27. Seliverstov R. H. (2009). Implementation of the Model of Forming Expert Commissions According to Fuzzy Criteria in the Microsoft Excel Software Environment. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference “Democratic Governance in the Context of Global Challenges and Crises” (pp. 452-455). Lviv: LRIPA NAPA [in Ukrainian].
  28. Seliverstov R. H. (2009). Information and Expert Support of Mass Media Monitoring and Analysis by Executive Bodies. Efficacy of Public Administration, 21, P. 265-270 [in Ukrainian].
  29. Seliverstov R. H. (2010). Media Monitoring. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Public Administration. Kyiv: NAPA, P. 454 [in Ukrainian].
  30. Seliverstov R. H. (2010). Economic Indicator Forecasting Based on Fibonacci Theory. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference “Reforming the System of Public Administration and Civil Service: Theory and Practice” (pp. 199-202). Lviv: LRIPA NAPA [in Ukrainian].
  31. Seliverstov R. H. (2010). Modern Approaches to Evaluating the Results of E-Government Implementation. Proceedings of the Scientific-Practical Seminar “Information Society and Sustainable Development” (pp. 93-99). Odesa: ORIPA NAPA [in Ukrainian].
  32. Seliverstov R. H. (2011). Fuzzy Qualimetric Approach to Comparing the Development of Territories. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference “Reforming the System of Public Administration and Civil Service: Theory and Practice” (pp. 245-248). Lviv: LRIPA NAPA [in Ukrainian].
  33. Seliverstov R. H. (2011). ХML. Encyclopedia of Public Administration. Vol. 2. Kyiv: NAPA, P. 380 [in Ukrainian].
  34. Marchuk O. V., Seliverstov R. H. (2011). Decision Support System. Encyclopedia of Public Administration. Vol. 2. Kyiv: NAPA, P. 568-570 [in Ukrainian].
  35. Seliverstov R. H. (2011). Media Monitoring. Encyclopedia of Public Administration. Vol. 8. Kyiv-Lviv: NAPA, LRIPA. – P. 350-351 [in Ukrainian].
  36. Seliverstov R. H. (2011). Fuzzy Qualimetric Analysis of Socio-Economic Development of Cities of Regional Subordination of Lviv Region. Efficacy of Public Administration, 28, P. 158-164 [in Ukrainian].
  37. Seliverstov R. H. (2012). Dynamics of Socio-Economic Development of Administrative-Territorial Entities of Lviv Region. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference “Modernization of public administration: theory and practice” (pp. 306-310). Lviv: LRIPA NAPA [in Ukrainian].
  38. Cеліверстов Р. Г. (2013) Fuzzy Cluster Analysis of Some Social Development Indicators of Lviv Region Districts. Democratic Governance. Issue 11 [in Ukrainian].
  39. Seliverstov R., Savras I. (2013) Future Use of the Open Source Software for Rising of Reliability of State Administration Bodies Functioning. Democratic Governance. Issue 12 [in Ukrainian].
  40. Seliverstov R. H. (2013). Substantiation of Applicability of Fuzzy Set Theory for Modeling of Management Activities. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference “Modernization of Public Administration: Theory and Practice” (pp. 309-313). Lviv: LRIPA NAPA [in Ukrainian].
  41. Savras I. Z., Seliverstov R. H. (2014). Information and Analytical Support of Basic Problems of Insurance Service Market Development in Ukraine. Efficacy of Public Administration, 28[in Ukrainian].
  42. Bublyk M. I., Seliverstov R. H. (2014). Formation of “green” national logistics systems to regulate man-made losses. Abstracts of the 10th International scientific-practical conference “Marketing and Logistics in the System of Management” (pp. 31-33). Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic [in Ukrainian].
  43. Savras I., Seliverstov R., Yurynets R. (2015) Modeling of Formation of Resources of Commercial Banks and Their Optimization in the Conditions of Risk. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Economics. 52, P. 151-159 [in Ukrainian].
  44. Seliverstov R. (2015) Cluster Analysis as a Tool for Assesing Professional Competence of Civil Servants. Efficiency of Public Administration. 45, P. 231-238 [in Ukrainian].
  45. Seliverstov R. H. (2015). Features of clustering of civil servants by their professional competence level. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference “Modernization of Public Administration: Theory and Practice” (pp. 149-152). Lviv: LRIPA NAPA [in Ukrainian].
  46. Seliverstov R. H. (2016). Cluster Approach to Assessing the State and Development of Administrative-Territorial Entities According to a Set of Socio-Economic Indicators. Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference “Problems of Development of Public Administration in Ukraine” (pp. 248-250). Lviv: LRIPA NAPA [in Ukrainian].
  47. Seliverstov R. H. (2017). Estimation of Socio-Economic Development of Districts in Lviv Region: the Cluster Approach. Democratic Governance, 18/19 [in Ukrainian].
  48. Seliverstov R. H. (2018). Python-Analysis of Refereeing Concordance by the Example of Ballroom Dance CompetitionsVisnyk of the Lviv University. Series Appl. Math. and Informatics, Issue 26. P. 137-144 [in Ukrainian].
  49. Sulym H., Opanasovych V., Zvizlo I., Seliverstov R., Bilash O. A Circular Inclusion and Two Radial Coaxial Cracks with Contacting Faces in a Piecewise Homogeneous Isotropic Plate under Bending. Acta Mechanica et Automatica, Vol.14 No.1, 16–21 (2020).
  50. Селіверстов Р., Семчук І. Price Optimization of Orders in Online Bookstores on the Basis of Web Scrapping // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Appl. Math. and Informatics, Issue 28 (2020). P. 139-150 [in Ukrainian].
  51. Delyavskyy M, Opanasovych V, Seliverstov R, Bilash O. A Symmetric Three-Layer Plate with Two Coaxial Cracks under Pure Bending. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(6):2859.
  52. Bending of a plate with circular rigid inclusion and system of cracks on the assumption of strip crack face contact / M. S. Slobodian, O. V. Bilash, R. H. Seliverstov, L. R. Kurotchyn //  IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1277, International Scientific and Theoretical Conference “Modeling and Computer Engineering in Mechanical Engineering: Theory, Practice, and Innovation” (MCEME-2022) 28/09/2022 – 21/10/2022 Lviv, Ukraine.
  53. Pure bending of a strip (Beam) with a transversal through crack located asymmetrically relative to its axis on the assumption of crack closure and striplike plastic zone near one of the tips / Oksana Bilash, Mykola Slobodian, Roman Seliverstov, Ivan Zvizlo, Oksana Petruchenko, Roman Kovalchuk // AIP Conference Proceedings 2949, 020002 (2023).


Roman Seliverstov was born on June 13, 1976 in the village of Rozdolne, Crimean region, Ukraine. In 1993 he graduated from Verkhnya Lypytsia comprehensive school of Rohatyn district of Ivano-Frankivsk region. In 1998 Roman graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Ivan Franko Lviv State University with a degree in mechanics. He obtained the qualification of mechanic and applied mathematician. In 2002 he finished graduate school of the Department of Mechanics of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. From 2002 to 2004 Roman worked as a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration. In 2004 he got a degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and in 2005 – the academic title of Associate Professor of mathematical modeling and information technology. From 2004 to 2016 Roman was an Associate Professor of Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies Department, Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration. During 2016-2017 he was a Lecturer at the Department of Management of the aforementioned Institute. From September 2017 until now Roman Seliverstov is an Associate Professor of Programming Department, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
