Mukola Nedashkovskuy
Position: Professor, Theory of Optimal Processes Department
Scientific degree: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Academic status: Professor
Google Scholar profile:
Research interests
problems of computing mathematics and application programming
N.a. Nedzhkovsky, T.I. Krochka. Algorithms of calculation of linear balance models of interbranch ecological and economic interaction. // Cybernetics and systems analysis. 2010. – 1,p 17-28.
N.a. Nedzhkovsky, T.I. Kroko. Solutions of one class of nonlinear models of equilibrium between industries of ecological-economic interaction/ Cybernetics and system analysis. – 2011. – 21-32.
M. Nedashkovsky, L. Semchyshyn, V. Poseljuzhna. Program implementation of the method of the January systems and procedure of linear algebra in the Matlab environment. University of Ternopil. №1(65) 2012, p. 169-181.
M. Nedashkovsky. Analysis of computing stability of algorithms of solving linear algebra systems with λ-matrices / M. Nedashkovsky,
L. Semchyshyn, V. Poseljuzhna // Vestnik TNTU. — 2013. Volume 69. — No. 1. P. 213-222. — (mathematical modeling. mathematics. physics).
Nedashkovsky M.o., Kroshka T.i. The coincidence of near-term relations of non-linear problem for the model of Leotyeva-Ford, physical-mathematical modeling and information technologies, Center of mathematical modeling of the Institute of applied problems of mechanics and mathematics named after. J.S. Pidstrigach NAS of Ukraine, 2013 vg. 18, pp. 126-135.
Nedashkovsky M. A: Calculation methods for estimation of parameters in multifactor regression / M. Nedashkovsky, D. Dudkin // TNTU Vestnik — Ternopil : TNTU, 2014. Volume 75. — No. 3. — WITH. 209-222. — (Mathematical modeling. Mathematics. Physics).
Nedashkovsky M. A, Kroshka T. I. Abstract: The problem of the problem of the problem of the problem of the problem of the problem of the problem of the problem of the problem of the problem of the problem of the problem of the problem is solved. Series of physical and Mathematical Sciences: ZB. of Sciences. –2017. Issue No. 15 p. 132-136
worked in an institute of applied problems of mechanics and mathematics of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences (Lviv, 1977–81); from 1982 to the Tern. econ u-ty: from 1995 — head of the department of automated systems and programming, from 18.02.2002 — Computer science and mechanics of Uni-tu Kazimir the Great (m. Bidgoshch, Poland).