Optimization Methods (cs)

Тип: Нормативний

Кафедра: discrete analysis and intelligent system

Навчальний план



СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
632R. M. OlijnykPMi-31, PMi-32, PMi-33, PMi-34, PMi-35


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
632PMi-31N. M. Korkuna, M. B. Smychok
PMi-32N. M. Korkuna, M. B. Smychok
PMi-33N. M. Korkuna, M. B. Smychok
PMi-34N. M. Korkuna, M. B. Smychok
PMi-35N. M. Korkuna, M. B. Smychok

Опис курсу

Aim. Studying the fundamental concepts of the theory of operations research and methods and algorithms for solving them.

Summary. The course contains the fundamental tenets of the theory and methods for solving problems of operations research. We consider the problems of operations research on graphs, linear models of operations research and problem gambling in operations research.

Target. Master the basic theoretical and practical aspects of operation research. Become familiar with the mathematical apparatus used for solving operations research.

As the result of studying course the student should:

  • know: formulation of the main types of problems of operations research optimality conditions for various types of operations research problems, the main methods of their solution.
  • be able to: determine the type of specific problem of operations research, be able to choose and apply the appropriate method for the solution of specific problems of operations research.

Силабус: Optimization Methods

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