Foreign Language (Applied Mathematics, System Analysis)

Type: Normative

Department: foreign languages ​​for natural sciences




SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
164PMp-11L. V. Solohub
PMp-12L. V. Solohub
PMa-11L. V. Solohub
PMa-12L. V. Solohub
264PMp-11L. V. Solohub
PMp-12L. V. Solohub
PMa-11L. V. Solohub
PMa-12L. V. Solohub
364PMp-21L. V. Solohub
PMp-22L. V. Solohub
PMa-21L. V. Solohub
PMa-22L. V. Solohub
464PMp-21L. V. Solohub
PMp-22L. V. Solohub
PMa-21L. V. Solohub
PMa-22L. V. Solohub

Course description


Names of indicators Knowledge area, area of training, education and qualification level Characteristics of the subject
Full-time training
Number of credits: 2


Knowledge area:

0403Systems Sciences and cybernetics

Optional subjects



Modules – 4 Areas of training:

6.040301 Applied Mathematics

6.040302 Informatics

6.040303 Systems Analysis

Year of study:
Content modules – 4


  Year ІІ
Total number of hours: 120


Number of weekly hours for full-time training:

Class work: 2

student’s independent work: 1,8


Education and qualification level:


practical – 64 hours
32 hours 32 hours
Independent work: 56 hours.
Individual scientific research:
Type of control


The practical aim of the course is to create a Master’s general and professional communicative speech-oriented competencies (linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic) for ensuring their effective communication in academic and professional environment.

Developing aim of the course involves consecutive phased/step-by-step development of knowledge, skills, communicative abilities of the student, his memory, attention, logical, creative thinking, and volitional qualities connected with progress achievement in educational activities.

General Educational Aim of the course is mastering the technologies of obtaining, organizing and summarizing educational information, enriching the spiritual world of the student, expanding his/her horizons, developing the ability to organize and apply learning tools for self-education.

The edifying aim lies in preparing students of higher educational institution for life in the dialogue of cultures and peoples; enhancing the ability of the student for further studying a foreign language and more openness for a new cultural experience; mastering standards of academic and business etiquette.

Tasks of the course: to form the students’ receptive and productive skills and abilities in the types of speech activities:

  1. Listening

Aims of the course involve student’s understanding long speech segments (even when it is not clearly structured and when ideas and opinions are not expressed explicitly), lectures, complex technical information and following complex lines of argumentation, even if topic is unfamiliar.

  1. Reading

Aims of the course involve student’s ability to understand a wide range of long, complex texts about public and professional life and education, complex instructions on a new unfamiliar device or its activities. The student must understand “professional” language in articles and technical instructions, even if it is outside his / her own sphere of activity / profession provided that he/she can reread difficult places.

  1. Speaking (dialogue, monologue, polylogic)

Aims of the course are focused on the fact that the student must understand a wide range of very complex and long texts and recognize implicit meaning. Student must speak quickly and spontaneously without significant difficulties associated with finding means of expression. He/she must effectively and flexibly use the language in public life, and with professional training purposes. He/she must clearly and logically speak in detail on complex subjects, showing the conscious possession of grammatical structures, connections and the connected program statements. The student must understand main ideas of the texts not only on a specific but abstract topic too, including technical (specialized) discussions in their sphere. The student must have a good set of different speech means allowing him / her to choose the formulations for clear expressions in a certain style on a wide range of general, academic, professional or everyday topics not limited to the subject of the utterance. The student must constantly maintain a high degree of grammatical correctness; mistakes are rare and difficult to be noticed; they are mostly corrected at once. The student must possess rich lexical means allowing him/her to overcome difficult places by paraphrasing; find expressions or alternative strategies; the student freely uses idiomatic expressions and collocations.

  1. Monologue.

The student must give clear, detailed descriptions and presentation of complex subjects integrating sub-themes, developing particular points and completing utterance with appropriate conclusions. He/she must respond to the appeal, answering spontaneously and almost naturally.

  1. Dialogue.

The student must speak freely and spontaneously; almost without effort. He/she must use rich lexical vocabulary depending on the needs in filling gaps using paraphrasing. There are subtle difficulties in search of expression or alternative strategies; only a conceptually difficult subject matter may prevent natural, smooth flow of speech.

  1. Polylogue.

Aims of the course involve student’s active participation in conversations and discussions of problematic topics on general, academic, professional or everyday issues.

  1. Письмо

Завдання курсу передбачають, що студенти може резюмувати довгі, складні тексти, робити детальні записи під час лекції на теми своєї сфери інтересів, записуючи інформацію настільки точно й близько до оригіналу, що записами можуть користуватись інші люди. Може писати зрозумілі, добре структуровані тексти на складні теми, підкреслюючи відповідні вихідні положення, викладаючи і доводячи точки зору досить докладно, з допоміжними пунктами, причинами й відповідними прикладами, та завершуючи логічним висновком.

  1. Writing

Aims of the course involve student’s ability to summarize long, complex texts, make detailed notes during a lecture on topics within his/her sphere of interest, write down the information so accurately and close to the original that notes can be used by other people. The student must be able to write understandable, clear, well-structured texts on complex subjects, underlining the relevant assumptions, expressing and proving his/her opinion in detail, with the subsidiary points, reasons and relevant examples, and with logical conclusions.




Term ІІІ


Module 1. “Outstanding mathematicians”.


Module 2. “ Fundamentals of Mathematics ”.

Module 3. “ Computer – base of modern science ”.




Term ІV


Module 4. “Fundamentals of programming”.

Module 5. “ Cybercrime: national and international aspects”.

Module 6. “The current state of information technology: achievements and prospects”.




Names of content modules and themes Number of hours (full-time)
Total including
pr i.w
1 2 3 4
Term 3
Module 1
Theme 1. Outstanding Mathematics. Stefan Banach 7 4 3
Theme 2. Outstanding Mathematics: Alan Turing 9 4 5
Total – Module 1 16 8 8
Module 2
Theme 3. Fundamentals of Mathematics: Mathematical induction. Equation of polynomial 11 6 5
Theme 4. Fundamentals of Mathematics: Matrix algebra. Modular arithmetics 11 6 5
Total – Module 2 22 12 10
Module 3
Theme 5. Computer – basis of modern science: hardware. 11 6 5
Theme 6. Computer – basis of modern science: software. 11 6 5
Total – Module 3 22 12 10
Total –term 3 60 32 28










Term 4
Module 4
Theme 7. Fundamentals of Programming: Object-Oriented Programming 9 6 3
Theme 8. Fundamentals of Programming: Programming of computer games 11 6 5
Total – Module 4 20 12 8
Module 5
Theme 9. Cybercrime: National and International Aspects: The main types of cyber crimes 11 6 5
Theme 10. Cybercrime: National and International Aspects: problems and ways of combating crime in the area of ​​operation of electronic systems 11 6 5
Total – Module 5 22 12 10
Module 6
Тема 11. The current state of information technology: achievements and prospects: Recent advances in information technology 9 4 5
Тема 12. The current state of information technology: achievements and prospects: Job in IT companies 9 4 5
Total – Module 6 18 8 10
Total – term 4 60 32 28
Total – year 2 120 64 56

Recommended Literature

  1. Винник О. Ю. Англійська мова для програмістів і математиків. – Львів: Видавничий центр Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, 2015.
  2. Ісаєва Г.Т., Тимошик О.М. English for Students of Mathematics. Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для студентів-математиків. – Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ, 2009..




  1. Evans V. Round – Up 6. English Grammar Practice. – New York : Longman, 2003.
  2. Glendinning E. H., McEwan J. Oxford English for Information Technology. – Oxford University Press, 2003.
  3. Hewings M. Advanced Grammar in Use. – CUP, 2000.
  4. Інтернет ресурси.