Algorithms and Data Structures (cs-1)

Type: Normative

Department: programming


24Differentiated setoff


SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
232Associate Professor S. V. LitynskyiPMi-11, PMi-12, PMi-13

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
232PMi-11Associate Professor S. V. Litynskyi, Associate Professor S. A. Yaroshko
PMi-12Associate Professor S. V. Litynskyi, Associate Professor S. A. Yaroshko
PMi-13Associate Professor S. V. Litynskyi, Associate Professor S. A. Yaroshko

Course description

Asymptotic Analysis of Time and Space Complexity
Big-O, Big-Omega, Big-Theta Notation
Sorting (Quadratic, Linearithmic, Special-Case Linear)
Search (Trees, Hash Tables)
Graphs, Pathfinding
Dynamic Programming
Complexity Classes (P, NP, NPC, NPH)

С & Java