Fundamentals of IT Project Management (Applied Mathematics)

Type: For the student's choice

Department: applied mathematics




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
918Associate Professor, Senior Researcher V. M. KukharskyyPMp-52m

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
936PMp-52mAssociate Professor, Senior Researcher V. M. Kukharskyy


SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)

Course description


Indicators Field of knowledge, Speciality,

Academic Degree

Subject type

(compulsory, optional,  elective)

Number of credits  – 3 Field of knowledge – Mathematics and Statistics Full-time studies
Contents modules – 4 Speciality – 113 Applied Mathematics Compulsory


Total hours -120 Academic Degree – Master Degree


1 year
2 semestr
32 hours
Hours per week:

classes – 3

individual work – 5

Practical work  
16 hours
Individual work
72 hours
Final Evaluation: exam


Course objectives

Aim. The aim of the course is learning the basic ways of organizing and conducting successful projects in Information Technology Area including Software Engineering using Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF), Scrum and other methodologies. An important role for the practical component of the course.

In the course are expected:

  • study the basic concepts and principles of software engineering, in particular, the concept of software engineering, model of software development process;
  • consideration of organizational and technological foundations of software development process;
  • understanding the basis of a unified language for UML modeling within the domain of designing a software system and its components;
  • acquiring and developing skills of analysis, design, documentation and development of software;
  • obtaining practical experience of team bulding and management using methodology MSF.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge:  fundamentals of IT project management, organizational knowledge of training and project management of software development.

Skills: using of basic methodologies of software development, including:

  • development of formal requirements for a software based on the needs of stakeholders;
  • drafting software system based on possibilities for further development and re-use of some components from/in other projects;
    • design of UML class diagram  and tools of visualization software system architecture;
    • documenting the process of developing a software system.

    Course outline:

    Name of topics modules Hours number
    lectures practical laboratories   individual
    Topical Module 1. Learning the basic concepts and principles of software engineering. The concepts of software engineering process, model of the software development process.
        2   4   6
    Topical Module 2. Consideration of organizational and technological foundations of software development process
        6   12   18
    Topical Module 3. Project management. Planning and control of the project.
        5   10   15
    Topical Module 4. Testing as a way to ensure the quality of software.
        5   10   15
    Total hours 108 18   36   54

    Framework of cumulative assessment

    Ongoing evaluation and individual work Exam Total
    Topical Module 1 Topical Module 2 Topical Module 3 Topical Module 4 50 100
    5 20 15 10

Recommended Literature

  1. Joseph Heagney. Fundamentals of Project Management, AMACOM
  2. Скот Амблер. Гибкие технологии: экстремальное программирование  и унифицированный процесс разработки. – Willey-Питер. -2005. – 412с.
  3. Alistair Cockburn. Agile Software development. Highsmith Series Editors, – 2000, -214p.

Recommended reading (supporting):

  1. Schwaber. Agile Project Management with Scrum. -Microsoft Press .-2004, -175p.
  2. Content of the website

Course material in virtual learning/teaching environment (

  • Course description;
  • Detailed course outline;
  • PPT (slides of lectures);
  • Topics, assignments and methodological materials for practicums;
  • Description of laboratory works;
  • Topics and methodological materials for course project.